Celluloid Charms

Celluloid Charms

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Celluloid Charm: RARE RARE Cat With Ball

Sometimes good things happen to you...you know the kind of thing that send a little chill through your body that lands in the tummy that flips a loop??!! That's what I experienced when I saw this little cat on eBay....I KNEW it had to be mine. Yes, for any of you who follow my posts, I do already have one but to add another to my collection was important to me. When I posted my first charm similar to this one I was contacted by a collector who mentioned that perhaps it was not a charm but a "toy" and that someone added the loop. I studied it and there's no way that loop wasn't there since the beginning of time, it was well imbedded and was starting to rust. Happy to have found another :)

Now getting back to the "toy" vs the charm. I also collect these "toys" and it is very obvious that they were made at the very same time as the charm. The charm got the loops and the "toy" got the diorama.

But whatever, it all comes down to they're wonderful!

As requested a photo of my other charm, thanks for asking!

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