Celluloid Charms

Celluloid Charms

Friday, March 14, 2014

Celluloid Charm: RARE RARE "Fashion" Girl

Oooooo, when this one arrived I shook with excitement to see her, she is beautiful, flawless, and exquisite!! She's not too big or too small, her paint is as if she's never been touched. I believe some charms were tucked away into jewelry boxes, tins, and other such vessels having very little human contact to contaminate them leaving them still as new; and this charm is a perfect example.

I have had this charm for nearly a year but have not posted it because it is my all time favorite charm and I just didn't want to let her go; so to speak! I've place her in many backgrounds trying to find something that epitomized who she is. At first I thought she had a towel draped around her shoulders but upon closer inspection I realized it's a scarf. And the big blue bow in her hair threw me off because where would one wear such attire?? I'm still stimied!

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