Celluloid Charms

Celluloid Charms

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Celluloid Charm Hunting In California Weeks Ago!

We walked into the thrift store, the 8th of a long parade of shops, this one being in a shabby area of town. I head for the glass cases, looking at "jewelry" while my husband goes for the books. Nothing in the jewelry. I don't like to ask about celluloid charms because I don't like them to tell me about the 2 qt jar full they just sold 2 hrs ago, all painted and in mint condition.....nor do I want to alert them in case they're not aware of the value of them. Sooooo, I just continue shopping. As I'm snooping around, finding many treasure but not what I'm needing, I notice a bunch of boxes piled in the back of the store. I inquire as to the boxes suggesting how fun it would be to go through them, not thinking for a moment she'd let me...but she did! WOW, I love her! While digging around I discover a tin, about a 2 cup size. Those are buttons she informs me. Hmmm, buttons are kinda cool, I opened the tin. YEP!!! Buttons alright but amoung the buttons I see the familiar celluloid charms poking up here, laying there, begging me to explore further. My heart starts pounding in my throat, my body temperature rises and my mouth becomes dry!! One at a time I gently pick the charms out of the buttons. Finally I ask what would she take for this tin of buttons?? $14 she tells me. I am almost rendered speechless, where's my hubbie, oh there he is, sitting reading a book. I need this tin I tell him, it's full of buttons and CHARMS, you must buy them, I'm shaking much too much! Big smile from the husband unit as he proudly pays for my trove. I must remain calm, at least until I get to the car....5 blocks of patience!! I have been listing some of my find and am going to continue to do so until you've seen them all! Many of these charms I've NEVER seen before nor knew existed, others are rare, and many I already had. So fun!!!

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